Tuesday 15 February 2011

Relexer Scrolled Medical Mobiles by Lu Yin

Relexer, Scrolled Medical Mobiles, Lu Yin, Health Gadget
Packed work schedule often results in physical as well as mental illness among people working and living in chaotic city environment. Allowing breathing space for city dwellers, Chinese designer Lu Yin has designed a mobile phone called “Relexer” that as its name suggests doubles as a medical gadget to review the health of the users. Integrating a thermometer that can be worn around the wrist like a bracelet, the cellphone measures the temperature and other drastic discrepancies in the body so the users can take the precautionary measures unless it becomes too late to control the ailment. Moreover, the users can communicate and send their daily or weekly health update to the doctor for a proper diagnose and treatment.

Relexer, Scrolled Medical Mobiles, Lu Yin, Health Gadget
Relexer, Scrolled Medical Mobiles, Lu Yin, Health Gadget
Relexer, Scrolled Medical Mobiles, Lu Yin, Health Gadget

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